Valheim is a survival crafting game based in the eponymous Viking paradise. With well over 5 million total sales, Valheim is one of the fastest-growing and most popular survival games ever. With so many people playing, there are bound to be many bases congenital over time.

While it may seem that bases are both versatile and rubber, neither of those assertions are true, and bases require abiding maintenance and activity to brand them worth it. The all-time places to build bases combine a diversity of favorable traits, and most of the time require some searching to observe the right ane for new players.

Updated September 29, 2022 by Collin Westbrook: The new Hearth and Home update is out and adds a significant amount of changes to the base building mechanics of Valheim, also as many new options for furniture and building. This commodity has been changed to reflect these additions, as well as to add some pointers for the best places to build outposts and safe bases. Although these may be situational, considering the wide number of biomes in this survival exploration game, descriptions similar this are necessary to maximize enjoyment. New content has made the map more accessible and interesting, then most of all this list has been inverse to reflect that.

15 Adjacent To The Bounding main

Valheim Viking Riding a Raft Morning

Traveling by ocean might not seem to be the best way to progress, but Valheim does away with these survival game conventions. Call up of the sea every bit the highway of your earth, making normally inaccessible places platonic areas for acquiring resources. With portals, many things open upwards, just ore and ingots nonetheless require a boat to ferry them to productive areas.

Ambitious players may want to avoid harvesting resources on their home continent, with the intention of acquiring important forest and stone on other islands and continents. Therefore, placing a base most the ocean is extremely important for stowing away your valuable ships, not to mention fishing.

fourteen Next To A River

Valheim Viking Fishing On Riverbank Sunset

Rivers are a vital source of always necessary flint, stone, and most importantly, nutrient. Necks are the perfect food source for aspiring hunters every bit they provide a secondary health increase in the early stages of the game, with the primary one being cooked meat from boars and deer meat. Neck tails are plentiful and highly nourishing.

In improver to this, if aspiring boat captains miss out on the ocean, they can e'er utilise the river as a highway in a similar mode. Simply brand sure it is fairly wide, enough at least to navigate with a send, even a simple i. The best base locations bear with them a diversity of water sources that make basic survival a relatively like shooting fish in a barrel task.

xiii Next To Spawn

Valheim spawn viking

If players stuck in a death loop wish to not spawn at their faraway base, they can cull to brand their main and best house virtually the natural spawn and simply destroy their bed. This provides a perfect means of fast traveling afterwards expiry, making the game's natural spawn betoken a vital ally in the quest to further the survival experience.

In addition to this, Valheim is best experienced with friends, then placing the biggest base near spawn points will impress allies and foes alike.

12 Adjacent To The Eikthyr Rune Stone

Valheim Eikthyr Boss Facing Off Against Lone Viking

Eikthyr is an extremely important boss to fight early on, as it allows players to access antler pickaxes and starting time acquiring copper and tin ore. While this may not seem to be the virtually of import, if large groups crave a lot of antler pickaxes, making the base of operations far away from one of these stones will make transport a pain.

Therefore, for ease of admission, it is best to locate one of these helpful stones as soon as possible to make your feel as smooth every bit possible.

11 In The Meadows

valheim fine wood

While an experienced explorer might deem it prudent to construct their base of operations in the blackness wood or swamp, these areas are far more dangerous and have considerably more enemies. Meadows are scattered effectually the world of Valheim, and then locating one isn't peculiarly difficult for anyone with a ship and some patience.

In addition to this, the spawn point is nearly guaranteed to beginning in this biome, so players should not be afraid to utilize this equally a master, and safe base for gathering berries, leather scraps, and other important materials. Equally ever, the best place to build a base is somewhere surrounded by the fundamentals. Non only that, it too gives players a identify to ride their new Lox mounts around safely, and a lack of trees can make sprawling cities with new building materials look exceptional.

10 An Easily Defensible Area

valheim wood structure

While the inclusion of pickaxes allows players to terraform to their heart'southward content, the standard base of operations is spread out and on apartment ground, so finding a suitable area to construct defenses can be a challenge. Instead, become uphill and observe a plateau to offset edifice. The terrain will favor the histrion when the Greydwarfs begin to attack.

The players have a selection betwixt making defenses themselves and using the natural terrain to their advantage. While information technology may seem tempting to practise the first, players should save fourth dimension and consider the second.

9 Surrounded By A Pit

valheim moat pit fortress bulding

Moats may fit the medieval aesthetic more than the Viking i, but in Valheim many enemies volition stop at a big enough depression in the footing. This means that any strategic enough moat tin can end the worst enemies from attacking at all, and the minor ones won't chip at the durability of a main base of operations.

It may exist cumbersome to construct and live around, only in a proper invasion, the moat can mean the difference between the headache of a expiry loop and a small inconvenience.

eight Anywhere A Bed Is Needed

valheim bed fire lighting with fur viking corner

Bases don't have to be singular objects, they tin spread out and multiply over several biomes to give players safe havens in multiple areas. The swamp and plains are deadly to early players, so a base of operations near to those is ideal to stop death loops and unneeded frustration. The all-time base designs in Valheim centralize the location of the bed, minimizing anger at the difficulty of this Viking survival game.

Players should never be afraid to expand over the unabridged map, the world is theirs subsequently all. Workbenches and beds are a standard add-on to any base, only fire and a forge are also very prissy to have around. Portals make beds fifty-fifty more important, allowing easy access to storage and spawn points across the entire world, and the new cartography tabular array adds on an additional style to share information on new bases to other players.

vii Flat Ground

valheim viking flattened flattens ground

While this may seem obvious, a apartment area is ideal to avoid unneeded work in construction. While a mount or cliff base might seem cool, these are decumbent to failure and their pillars are obvious weak points. Players should never be afraid to make these bases for the novelty value, just the first and largest base of operations should have a sturdy foundation for the balance of the game.

Builders beware, buildings can decay or exist damaged by attacks. Players should never rely on their terraforming to create their defenses for them, subsequently all. Valheim bases are as fragile as they are necessary, any survival game player knows this, and knows to exercise information technology correct the first time.

six Borders Between Biomes

valheim black forest biome shift border

While it may seem odd to place a permanent base on the line between regions, an outpost between the main base and a valuable biome can make a huge difference for carting appurtenances to different areas. Even quick stops with a burn down, bed, chests, and a workbench can stop many headaches during exploration.

While outposts may take time, veterans of Valheim know that these can make the difference in terms of enjoyment of this Viking survival experience.

five Underneath A Sturdy Roof

valheim viking style roof building

Roofs are an incredibly of import office of building in Valheim. While creating a large expansive complex of forges and fireplaces may seem nice, whatsoever edifice created without protection from the elements will degrade over time. This is noticeable immediately upon placing walls around any base, as a lack of roofs makes them lose durability extremely quickly

Walls and floors are important, but whatsoever truly defensible, useful, and efficient base has a big roof to cease any unnecessary disuse from occurring. Locations similar overhangs make this tricky to do, so whatever wise Viking will make an agile effort to allow for the construction of roofs higher up their head, even when information technology seems useless. New furniture items and building choices do diversify the application of roofs, but without a stable base, any building will soon fall into disrepair.

four An Area With Room To Expand

valheim clover fields meadows base expansion

Cramming in all of the difficult-won spoils of adventuring into a tiny shack is both inefficient and hard to manage as staches increase in size. A wise histrion will always leave room to aggrandize, and avoid building in areas that are airtight-in. This tin can include trees and terrain, but also other buildings as well.

The surface area effectually a base of operations should exist apartment, open up, and easily dedicated. All of these are obvious, just nearly players fail to realize that even a small hill becomes a big problem when more than storage becomes necessary. Adding on the many new furniture items and building choices from the new Hearth and Dwelling patch, small bases get very crowded very quickly.

iii The Plains

valheim plains biome bronze helmet

Post-obit the latest Heart and Dwelling house update to Valheim, at that place are a multitude of new materials for building and exploring that tin only exist found in this difficult biome. So, while newcomers should refrain from settling here, information technology tin make an appealing outpost to veterans.

But as an case, players may want to fix a ranch for Loxes that are now tamable and ridable, or an area for harvesting new blackness tar for utilise in edifice. Either fashion, this region is an excellent place to set up shop.

ii On Top Of A Terrain Colonnade

valheim terrain pillars safety mobs enemies greydwarfs building base

Enemies in Valheim lack a very complicated AI to dictate their movements, and will often get confused or stuck on seemingly small bits of terrain. Combine that with the fact that Valheim enemies cannot always destroy sufficiently large pieces of terrain, and it becomes obvious that the all-time mode to not become attacked is to make some modifications to the ground

Many Valheim veterans consider a base dangerous if it doesn't sit upon a wild array of pillars made out of forest and dirt. Not only does this avert harm from random enemy spawns, but it besides provides a clear size indication for the growth of a base.

1 On An Island

valheim island forest fortress base

While creating fortifications is definitely one of the most conventionally fun parts of playing a survival game like Valheim, creating a base where enemies can't spawn is besides a modify of pace that will make any playthrough only a bit more peaceful. The ocean biome fits that clarification, and small islands in this biome tin create an ideal starting betoken for a large multi-floor base of operations.

Sea serpents may harass your ships, and you lot may be isolated, but the isle fortress is an exceptional add-on to any world in Valheim and a nice change of pace from normal architecture.

MORE: Valheim: How To Summon All Bosses

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