How to Get Plastic Tub White Again

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Whether they're from foods, sunlight, or chemical reactions, yellow stains often show upwards on plastic. There are many means you lot can try to tackle these stains, such equally soaking the plastic in bleach, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide. If you would rather try scrubbing the stain instead of soaking it, endeavour using lemon juice, salt, or a blistering soda paste to remove the yellow stain.

  1. 1

    Comprehend the stains in rubbing booze to dissolve them. If the xanthous stains are in a plastic container, you tin can pour rubbing alcohol into it and let the rubbing alcohol sit for a few minutes. If the slice of plastic can't concur liquid, pour rubbing alcohol into another container and put the piece of plastic inside.[ane]

    • Rinse the slice of plastic with soap and water later on pouring out the rubbing booze.
    • If you don't have rubbing alcohol, you can also utilize manus sanitizer the same style.
  2. 2

    Dissolve denture tablets in hot water to prepare the discoloration. Purchase denture tablets at a drugstore or big box store and dissolve ii tablets into hot water. Pour the mixture into or onto the stained plastic and let it sit until the stains are gone. Rinse the plastic off with soap and h2o.[2]

    • You can besides utilize alka seltzer as a substitute for denture tablets, every bit it volition work similarly.


  3. 3

    Attempt using bleach for a strong whitening product. Mix 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of bleach per 1 cup (240 ml) of water. Encompass the plastic in the bleach solution and permit it sit for 1-2 hours. Rinse the plastic with soap and water later you pour the bleach out.[iii]

    • Test the bleach out on a small section of the plastic before covering information technology entirely to make sure it doesn't harm the plastic in any manner.

    Good TIP

    Susan Stocker runs and owns Susan'southward Greenish Cleaning, the #i Green Cleaning Company in Seattle. She is well known in the region for outstanding customer service protocols — winning the 2017 Better Business Torch Award for Ethics & Integrity —and her energetic support of light-green cleaning practices.

    Susan Stocker

    Susan Stocker
    Greenish Cleaning Expert

    Our Expert Agrees: For really stubborn stains, mix equal parts h2o and bleach in the container and let it sit down overnight. Rinse well, so let information technology sit exterior in the dominicus for two full days. That will assistance with the smell of the bleach, and the sun will remove some of the stains.

  4. 4

    Use white vinegar if you're concerned well-nigh using bleach. White vinegar works wonders on plastic similarly to bleach, without information technology being every bit harmful. Mix 1 part white vinegar with ane part h2o before pouring the mixture into or onto your plastic. Permit the plastic sit with the white vinegar for a couple of hours earlier rinsing information technology clean with soap and water.[4]

    • If you're trying to remove stains from a piece of plastic that can't hold liquids, cascade the white vinegar mixture into a container and and so set the piece of plastic inside.
    • The vinegar smell volition disappear once the plastic is washed and left to dry out.
  5. 5

    Coat the plastic in hydrogen peroxide to fix discoloration. Hydrogen peroxide works well on plastics that have turned entirely yellow instead of in merely one spot. Fill a plastic bag with enough hydrogen peroxide to embrace the plastic. Stick the plastic in the handbag of hydrogen peroxide and lay information technology out in direct sunlight. Look 3-4 hours before rinsing it off with clean water.[v]

    • You can purchase hydrogen peroxide at a drugstore or big box shop.
    • If you're treating some sort of plastic mechanism, make sure you remove all the parts that aren't plastic before putting information technology into the hydrogen peroxide.
    • Y'all can also use an old toothbrush to scrub the hydrogen peroxide onto the plastic, if desired.
  6. 6

    Rinse the plastic thoroughly to remove the liquid. In one case y'all've removed the stain with your called liquid, utilize clean running h2o to rinse the liquid off of the plastic. You can also use soap if desired.

    • If the stain didn't come off, you can reapply the same liquid and follow the same procedure, or you lot can try out a dissimilar method to see if it works improve.


  1. 1

    Brush table salt onto the stain using a damp fabric to assistance rub information technology away. Dampen a fabric or towel with warm h2o. Sprinkle table salt all over the cloth, or pour the salt directly onto the plastic. Use the cloth to rub the common salt into the plastic, helping to remove the stain. Go on rubbing until you lot come across the stain disappear.[half dozen]

    • Rinse the plastic with clean water once you're finished.
  2. 2

    Create a baking soda paste to use on the yellow stains. Pour some baking soda into a small cup or similar container. Add water slowly, mixing information technology with the baking soda until it forms a paste. You tin apply the blistering soda paste to the plastic before letting information technology sit on the plastic for a few hours. Use a sponge or paper towel to rub the paste onto the stain earlier rinsing it off.[7]

  3. iii

    Rub lemon juice onto the plastic to permit the dominicus gear up the stains. Cut a fresh lemon in half using a pocketknife and then start rubbing the lemon over the plastic and then that the juice covers the stains. Bring the plastic exterior and let it sit in the sun for a few hours to an entire twenty-four hours. The sunlight should assistance remove the yellowish stains.[8]

    • Brand sure yous spread the lemon juice into the nooks and crannies of a stained piece of plastic, such as the yellowing marks on a cutting board.
  4. iv

    Test out store-bought products to come across if one works well. Some cleaning products that you would buy at a big box or home improvement store will work on yellow stains. Look for products targeting the type of yellowish stain your plastic has to see if a certain chemical product might piece of work. Follow the directions, often using a paper towel or cloth to rub the production onto the stains.[9]

    • A magic eraser can sometimes work on yellowish stains, as do many cleaning powders.
  5. 5

    Wash the plastic thoroughly to remove the scrubbing materials. Use clean running water, and soap, if desired, to wash off the cleaning liquids and/or pastes. If the stain wasn't removed the outset time, you can repeat the same process and scrub the plastic again.


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  • If a method doesn't piece of work the first time yous try information technology, you can repeat the aforementioned process and attempt again.


  • Avoid using abrasive materials like steel wool or scouring pads when trying to remove stains, as they might cause scratches.

  • Stains resulting from microwaving tomato-based foods in plasticware aren't likely to come up out.


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Commodity Summary 10

To remove yellow stains from plastic, endeavour scrubbing it with mutual household items, like lemon juice, salt, or blistering soda. If yous make up one's mind to use lemon juice, cut a lemon in one-half and rub information technology on the afflicted area. Once the stain is covered in juice, take the item outside and let it sit down in the sun for a few hours earlier rinsing it. For baking soda, make a paste past mixing it with water, then use information technology to the stains. Let the plastic sit for a few hours before using a sponge or towel to rub the paste into the stain. After you've scrubbed the stain, rinse the paste off with warm water. In lodge to clean your plastic with salt, rub it into the stain with a damp cloth until the discoloration begins to fade. To learn how to clean plastic by soaking it in vinegar, proceed reading!

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